Wood PAF Humbucker
The bobbins are made from selected, surfacetreated birdseye maple which results in a beautiful and special pickup. The Wood PAF has a live sound which is clear and round with great fullness when the strings are picked lightly, but which is easily provoced into sounding "dirty" when the strings are attacked hard. It is a pickup which allows the guitarist to express his or her feelings. Simply put, a wonderful sound experience. 4 - conductor cable.


W - PAF Custom Neck
W - PAF Custom Bridge
W - PAF Custom Bridge +

The Wood - PAF pickup is now also available with black plastic bobbins.They are created with the exact same wonderful sound as the T - Bear pickup Wood PAF. The difference between the neck and the bridge models is that the bridge pickup has wider pole piece spacing. The W - PAF Custom Bridge + is a good choice when there is a need for a pickup that increase the output signal from the bridge position with retained PAF - sound qualities.
4 - conductor cable.